The magnifier can give you a virtual Magnifying Glass. It is a great tool if you occasionally need to look at things that are too small for you to easily see.
The magnifier also has other modes for people who must use a magnifier all the time.
Quick Demo
More About Magnifier…
Coming Soon.
Adjusting the amount of magnification
Other Settings
Advanced Magnifier Options
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will the magnifier work with all apps?
2. How can I make the magnifier more powerful (more magnification) ?
3. Can I make just the main text in one application larger? (rather than whole screen)
4. I need the text to be even bigger than Magnifier will go. What can I do?
5. Things go off-screen and I get lost looking at the screen when I use the full screen magnification. What can I do?
6. I use keyboard navigation. Is there an easier way to get to the settings panel?
7. When I open the “settings” for the magnifier (on a Mac) it takes me to Zoom instead. Where are magnifier settings?